

On behalf of the Board of Management, the Parents Association and all the staff members of Ballytarsna N.S., I would like to welcome you to our website! It is a privilege to serve as principal of Ballytarsna NS. Our school has an outstanding reputation, and I am proud to be part of such a wonderful team. Our school is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn, supportive parents/guardians, and a dedicated professional staff committed to providing the children with a quality education.
“Our school is a caring and proud learning community committed to the pursuit of excellence. Students, teachers and parents are encouraged and supported to be the best that they can be in a school environment that respects diversity and fosters justice and equality for all. “ (from our Mission Statement)
We strive to ensure that our Mission Statement is lived out every day in the classrooms and corridors of our school. The development and welfare of each pupil is central to all that we do. Our sincere hope is that all students are guided and supported to enable them to reach their full potential academically, personally and socially. We embrace this task with optimism and confidence with the assistance and collaboration of parents who play a key role in the life of our school. We face the future together with an unwavering belief in the exceptional capabilities of the children in our care – ní neart go cur le chéile – there is no strength without unity.
I hope this website reflects some of the energy, commitment, hard work and fun, experienced every day in our school. Enjoy your visit!
If you would like to visit us at any time, please contact the school office, we would be delighted to welcome you to our school.
Is mise,
Siobhán McGrath (Principal)
Fáilte ón bprÃomhoide
Our Mission Statement

Ballytarsna N.S., in partnership with the community, is here to create a happy, caring and Christian atmosphere where children are encouraged to maximise their potential for physical, moral, spiritual and academic development.
We seek to:
Create a happy, caring and welcoming school that will provide for pupil’s needs in a sensitive way.
Foster a positive self-image in pupils,, building self-confidence through self-praise, reward and encouragement.
Encourage a positive attitude to life and learning, enabling each child to reach his/her potential.
Prepare pupils for a life which involves full participation in society by teaching social and academic skills.
Ensure that all pupils and staff are valued and that any prejudice is challenged on all levels.
Promote an atmosphere of co-operation with management, staff, parents and pupils.
Develop links with the wider community.
Provide a broad curriculum, which encourages the academic and social development within the framework of the revised curriculum.
Develop a positive awareness of self, sensitivity towards other people and a respect for the rights, views and feelings of others.
Develop a faith community through the teaching of Catholic beliefs.
Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.
Our school is a caring and proud learning community committed to the pursuit of excellence. Students, teachers and parents are encouraged and supported to be the best that they can be in a school environment that respects diversity and fosters justice and equality for all.